Spring. Who doesn't look forward to that first horse show of the year? Sure, being the NW it might rain on us ...a little. But seriously; getting out the show clothes, finding an excuse to buy a new show shirt to add to your collection of 20, getting that first prize list, sending in entries...ahhh..heaven!
Unless of course, you are The Mighty Puck Star. Then, for some bizarre reason known only to yourself, you plot, scheme and dig your way to an elephantine right front leg, and cause your owner to wail, pull out her hair and gnash her teeth. All of which is very entertaining to you - 3 legged horse.
What actually happened was this. Our first show was to be a return to glorious (?!) Monroe for the Spring Inaugrual the first week of April. If you recall, we did very well at this show last year, despite the rain. About 4 weeks ago, his Imperial Highness of The Kingdom of Making His Human Crazy-Pants (TKOMHHCP - official title) decided that digging a hole to China - or at least to the property next door would be an entertaining use of his time outside. His hole was knee deep, his right front swelled up enough that I gave a little scream upon first seeing it - and that was all she wrote for April.
He has actually been sound through-out, and I was able to get the swelling down using my old racetrack tricks. He's been back under saddle (flat only) for the last few weeks, but no jumping (yet).
Sigh....so the lone peon (serf, slave, worker) in TKOMHHCP has NOT gotten out her show clothes, NOT purchased a new show shirt, NOT filled out entries, and is NOT getting the first week of April off.
Sadly for my sanity - I still love him like crazy, and am making plans (sshhhh! secret ones!) for May! But I'm not telling His Imperial Highness!