Thursday, August 11, 2011

Miscellaneous Stuff

It has certainly been a busy few weeks since we left Thunderbird.  The Mighty has a tooth issue, essentially a cavity, due to abnormal growth of an upper molar.   It will have to be extracted - looks like October.  He colic'ed yesterday - so any vendor unfortunate enough to give me a bad time basically got their head ripped off.
We're heading back to Thunderbird next week, for a 2 show stay, after which we will officially be destitute.  Stay tuned for the September garage sale at which ponychick sells everything in the house that is not nailed down!
I decided I am *not* going to my high school reunion.  None of these people were friends back in the day, it's not like we became friends AFTER high school, so why on earth would I pay $100 to go hang out with them now? 
Just for fun:  Current Fave Five
1) Johnny Depp (pretty much locked into the emeritus spot)
2) James Marsters (ditto spot #2)
3) Kyle Chandler (obsessed with Coach Tayler and his puppy eyes)
4) Taylor Kitsch (Riggs, Riggs, Riggs)
5) open...feel free to a photo :-)

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