Friday, March 28, 2014

This is Emerald Downs (or Day 21 of my captivity)

My captors have seen fit to allow me some small freedoms.   It is now 21 days post-surgery, and while I still cannot lift, push, pull or torment small children, I can actually pull a shirt over my head, clasp a necklace and do my hair.  Small victories people, small victories. 

I am thinking about having tiny horseshoe tattoos put over the scars once they fully heal.  Constant reminder, or medal of courage (foolishness?)

Derby fever should go into overdrive next month.  Combine that with opening day at Emerald Downs, and me getting back on a horse (even if that means eluding my captors)  – and April promises to be great. 

Speaking of Emerald Downs, we are exactly 2 weeks away from the season opener.  The Inittowinit horses are ensconced at the Velasquez barn, and I can’t wait to see leading rider Juan Gutierrez back in the winner’s circle with them.   

Emerald’s head of Marketing, Sophia McKee has done, and continues to do, what I think is a great job of dragging horse racing in the NW (at least from a marketing perspective) into the 21st century.  To that end – check out:

(and while you’re there – vote for Juan for leading rider!)

Also be sure to see his very ESPN-ish commercial for opening day here:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 13 of My Captivity - Defeated by a Sports Bra

Day 13 of my Captivity – and I've been defeated by a sports bra.

It’s never a good thing when your Physical Therapist laughs at you.  OK, so maybe I deserved it, but really….come on…anyone would have done the same thing I did [maybe].

Here’s what happened.  Monday after work I was feeling pretty good, so decided a run would be just the ticket since I can’t ride and all.  Now I should add here that pre-surgery, I managed to find some zip front sports bras, knowing your average model would be tough to get on and off w/a recently fixed shoulder.  Ladies you know exactly what I’m talking about. 

And of course, at some point, all good things must be washed – so the zippy's were hanging to dry at the time of the “incident”.  No problem – I’m feeling good, I’ll just wear a regular pull on.  Went for a run, felt great, came home, and puttered around some more till bed-time…and then….BIG PROBLEMO.  Honestly – I thought I was going to have to either cut that bad boy off, or wear it to work and have my friend help me get it off.  Houdini’s chains, the Mummy’s wraps – neither of them could begin to compare to the impossible trap I’d gotten myself into.  Much howling, swearing and perhaps a few tears were shed but 15 minutes later I was free.

Fast forward to Wednesday morning, when I must confess all to my PT – who is asking why I regressed so badly.  Cue PT laughter.  Well.....lesson learned....I think.

2 Things I Think Today
  1. I’m excited to see 50:1 – a great story that is too unbelievable to be fiction.
  2. Cartier Trinity Ring….’nuff said.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 12 post shoulder surgery - I am being held captive...

Day 12 post shoulder surgery and I already hate everything and everybody. Okay, not really.  And I am certainly luckier than most.  But when my life essentially revolves around my horse it makes me a) one dimensional b) a raging lunatic when I can’t ride him. 

"So Michelle, why don’t you find something else to do, you know, like normal people?"   Well, I *do* work, so I’ve got going to work every day as something to do, and that’s always fun (said no one ever).  Um what else….[thinking, thinking]….yup that’s about it. 

So, to give in to my cranky side and really vent, here’s 5 things that drive me bat-shit crazy.
  1. Please, I beg of you, if you are in line, know what you are going to order when it is your turn to do so.  You've had all this time in line to decide, if you still have not done so, perhaps step aside and let someone else go.  Where I come from that’s what’s called good manners.
  2. Can we just stop with the endless meetings?  That’s all.
  3. Pink NFL jerseys.  Really?   Why don’t you wear the team’s actual damn colors?   Afraid you won’t look female enough unless its pink?   I think I just gagged…
  4. Trying to master the art of putting on false eyelashes.  Why why why can I not do this?  This is a basic female skill-set. Let me tell you, a glass of wine doesn't help either…I know…I tried that as a last resort.  #fail
  5. Seattle drivers.  Actually, anywhere in Western Washington drivers.  If you drive here, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  If this confuses you, and you live in Western Washington, you are part of the problem.  Please consider public transportation.

And now that the meds have kicked in – to be balanced – here are 5 things to celebrate.
  1. Oberon (do I really need to say more?  He’s the cause of this post).
  2. My family and friends who, despite donning their Kevlar for the remainder of my out-of-saddle-time, pretty much put up with me (most of the time).
  3. Emerald Downs opens for racing in a few more weeks.
  4. My job – my horses are very happy I have one.
  5. Winter is almost over.  Eff you winter – I hate you. And yes…that counts as a celebration.