My captors have seen fit to allow me some small
freedoms. It is now 21 days
post-surgery, and while I still cannot lift, push, pull or torment small
children, I can actually pull a shirt over my head, clasp a necklace and do my
hair. Small victories people, small
I am thinking about having tiny horseshoe tattoos put over the
scars once they fully heal. Constant
reminder, or medal of courage (foolishness?)
Derby fever should go into overdrive next month. Combine that with opening day at Emerald Downs,
and me getting back on a horse (even if that means eluding my captors) – and April promises to be great.
Speaking of Emerald Downs, we are exactly 2 weeks away from the season opener. The Inittowinit horses are ensconced at the
Velasquez barn, and I can’t wait to see leading rider Juan Gutierrez back in
the winner’s circle with them.
head of Marketing, Sophia McKee has done, and continues to do, what I think is
a great job of dragging horse racing in the NW (at least from a marketing
perspective) into the 21st century.
To that end – check out:
(and while you’re there – vote for Juan for leading rider!)
Also be sure to see his very ESPN-ish commercial for opening
day here: