Day 13 of my Captivity – and I've been defeated by a sports
It’s never a good thing when your Physical Therapist laughs
at you. OK, so maybe I deserved it, but
really….come on…anyone would have done the same thing I did [maybe].
Here’s what happened.
Monday after work I was feeling pretty good, so decided a run would be
just the ticket since I can’t ride and all.
Now I should add here that pre-surgery, I managed to find some zip front
sports bras, knowing your average model would be tough to get on and off w/a
recently fixed shoulder. Ladies you know
exactly what I’m talking about.
And of course, at some point, all good things must be washed
– so the zippy's were hanging to dry at the time of the “incident”. No problem – I’m feeling good, I’ll just wear
a regular pull on. Went for a run, felt
great, came home, and puttered around some more till bed-time…and then….BIG
PROBLEMO. Honestly – I thought I was going
to have to either cut that bad boy off, or wear it to work and have my friend help
me get it off. Houdini’s chains, the
Mummy’s wraps – neither of them could begin to compare to the impossible trap I’d
gotten myself into. Much howling,
swearing and perhaps a few tears were shed but 15 minutes later I was free.
Fast forward to Wednesday morning, when I must confess all
to my PT – who is asking why I regressed so badly. Cue PT laughter. Well.....lesson learned....I think.
2 Things I Think Today
- I’m excited to see 50:1 – a great story that is too unbelievable to be fiction.
- Cartier Trinity Ring….’nuff said.
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