Thursday, September 24, 2009

Marble Hill

Thursday, 24-Sep
Happy Arthur's Day - apparently at 17:59 (that's 5:59p for those not keeping time) we were all supposed to raise a pint of Guiness to celebrate 250 years of the stuff. That would have been great - except we were still out on horseback.

When we woke this morning, it was...what else? Raining. No matter - riders will ride! Today's adventure began at 11a, when we headed through the water, over the sand, up the dunes, along the road, up a few lanes and onto the sand at Marble Head. We had a good canter, then a good gallop (although there was someone out of control, and a calmer, more serene ponychick did not pull her off her horse and beat her with the stick - but 'nuff said about that here). Then along the dunes, and up the track a little ways were we paused for lunch.

When we pause for lunch on these long rides, there are chairs, a fold out table, the lunches the hotel has packed for us, and the horses get tied to a bush or tree with a bucket of grain, and plenty of grass available - so everyone gets to eat.

Niamh had to go back to teach, so Helen (her mother) took the mount on Rodney and we headed for the old railroad and famine trails. The going on the famine trail this time of year is very boggy. Ciual in fact lost a shoe, and Cindy had to take Clair's mount on Midnight, and poor Clair had to lead Ciual back to meet the truck and farrier, and then ride him home.

The old railroad tracks are really something, there are some areas that were pretty clearly blasted through the hills and the rocks walls rise up on either side of you. All the old ties and stakes are long gone, and its overgrown with grass. Great cantering on the clear grassy parts, with drops on either side of you going down 20-25 ft.

We alternated between clearing and blustery rain today - but whether you believe it or not, you DO get used to it. I'm starting to feel spoiled by heather covered hills, friendly sheep that baa as you walk by, lovely cows, and donkeys, undulating green hills, and looking to see if the top of Muckish is visible or covered by cloud. Surf breaking against the rocks, gallops on the beach, climbing through the dunes, and looking for Tory Island.

We rolled back into the stableyard about 6:15 tonight - a long day's ride. But, since I've long ago run out of superlatives - awesome! I actually stayed to brush Voodoo, gave him my lunch apple, and did some back lifts and stretches with him. I left him blanketed up and eating dinner.

Tomorrow is our last ride (boo!) and our fastest. We ride for 3 hours, heading out to Horn Head Forest and Tramore again - for fast gallops up and down the beach. Helen, Niamh and Clair will then eat dinner with us, and we head back to Dublin Saturday morning. I am going to be very sorry to go - this week has flown by and I am not ready to leave.

I have been misspelling Niamh's name (hint: its not spelled Neve :-)
A peat fire is the best smelling fire there could possibly be...I don't know how much I can get in my suitcase however...and it looks alot like a brick of it probably isn't a great idea.
They have fushia hedges here....its just like the fushias we spend a fortune for in hanging baskets, but they are everywhere here growing as hedges!
Saw what we think were 2 Golden Eagles hunting a field as we climbed over to Marble Hill.

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