Monday, July 4, 2011

Bright Lights (not) Bigger City

Here we are - back in the great north - also known as Canada. Just before I left - Debbie made sure to send me a photo of the Stanley Cup - however I sadly left my Bruins jersey at home :-) Just a little joke for my Canadian pals.

There are just 2 of us this trip, The Mighty and his buddy Cruiser. We made it up to the show park without incident, although it appears red truck needs some work before we can go back. Shades of 2001. Red truck was dispatched to the mechanics, and we set up our stalls and canopy, etc.

I decided to take The Mighty for a leg stretcher - which turned out to be more like a leg-stretching-back-cracking-make-everyone-think-you-are-crazy mini-adventure. I thought a nice stroll on the trail would be good - until he screamed and lunged sideways and backwards. I think it was a maple leaf. We finally got going forward again, but the rest of the stroll (and I am using the loosest interpretation of the word now) was a series of halts, jumps sideways and yells (him not me). I got him to his designated turnout spot, a nice fenced paddock with grass, and put him in there for a bit. He rolled, leapt up, let out an ear piercing shriek, and proceed to amaze and entertain the folks watching with his very realistic portrayal of a completely insane horse.

When I finally caught him (he did manage to, thank god, grab some grass in between the leaping, while also pulling off one of his boots) we headed back to our barn. He actually walked....most of the way. Cruiser was calmly munching away, and as I put him back in his stall, I hoped The Mighty would follow that example.

The rest of the afternoon passed uneventfully (PTL!) and we are all set for schooling day tomorrrow. Both boys seemed nice and quiet as we tucked them in for the night.

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